Apple ist wie Microsoft, nur ...
Anlaß dieser wenig schmeichelhaften, aber sehr treffenden Analyse war ein Bericht über die von Zack Rusin in seinem Blog formulierte Kritik an Apple's Entwicklungszusammenarbeit (bzw. am Fehlen eben dieser) mit dem KHTML-Projekt.Matthias Standfest | 29.04.2005 12:45
apple ist ja doch wie m$.
nur schöner angezogen.
Rusin's Text deckt sich inhaltlich mit vielen anderen. Am besten hat es wohl Richard Stallman himself schon 1999 in seinem Statement zu Apple's Lizenz APSL auf den Punkt gebracht:
Aside from this, we must remember that only part of MacOS is being released under the APSL--and it is the lowest level part. The only practical use for this code is to run the non-free part of MacOS. It will not help free operating systems, because they already have the low-level drivers for the PowerPC Mac.
Overall, I think that Apple's action is an example of the effects of the year-old "open source" movement: of its plan to appeal to business with the purely materialistic goal of faster development, while putting aside the deeper issues of freedom, community, cooperation, and what kind of society we want to live in.
Apple has grasped perfectly the concept with which "open source" is promoted, which is "show users the source and they will help you fix bugs". What Apple has not grasped--or has dismissed--is the spirit of free software, which is that we form a community to cooperate on the commons of software.