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♬ Ding Dong! ♫ The Witch Is Dead ♪

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Klaus Nomi: Ding Dong! The Witch Is Dead

Ich krieg den Song schon den ganzen Tag nicht aus dem Kopf, seit mich mein Radiowecker heute um 7:00 Uhr mit den Nachrichten geweckt hat.

Wake up, you sleepy head!
Rub your eyes, get out of bed!
Wake up, the wicked witch is dead!
mobile21 meinte am :
Oh come on
Granted Jobs was an asshole in most every aspect of his life, but isn't this song just a tad too much? ^^ (Made me smile though) 
ossi1967 antwortete am :
Jobs was evil

Tekrar hoş geldin, Ruben! :) Thought you were gone.

You see, the thing with St. Jobs isn't that he may have been an asshole (which he probably was). I wrote it when he was alive, and I have no reason to change my habit now that he's dead: Jobs was evil. Really, really evil. He was up there with Darth Vader, Dick Cheney and - well, the The Wicked Witch of the East, which the song is about. So no, it's not too much, not even a tad. It was literally written for him. (By the way: You can tell from the comments on YouTube that others, too, went there to celebrate his death.)

Jobs was evil because of many things he did; most of all he sold a sort of happiness to people that you only find when you disconnect from reality. He did so by taking the burden of freedom and personal responsibility off people's shoulders. That's what drug dealers or (often charismatic) leaders of a cult will do. Selling drugs in school yards is something I'd consider evil. If you do that, you're more than just an asshole. You're evil. And the important part is: You're evil no matter how happy the kids become when they're high on your drugs, and no matter how happily they'll come back for more. (This last part is important, because Apple customers being oh so happy and loyal is often used as a point for Jobs. In fact, the opposite is true.)

A true visionary, someone who really made the world a better place, is Richard Stallman. I can only agree with his words when he writes:

Steve Jobs, the pioneer of the computer as a jail made cool, designed to sever fools from their freedom, has died.

As Chicago Mayor Harold Washington said of the corrupt former Mayor Daley, “I’m not glad he’s dead, but I’m glad he’s gone.” Nobody deserves to have to die - not Jobs, not Mr. Bill, not even people guilty of bigger evils than theirs. But we all deserve the end of Jobs’ malign influence on people’s computing.

Unfortunately, that influence continues despite his absence. We can only hope his successors, as they attempt to carry on his legacy, will be less effective.

Bravo, RMS, for saying this aloud!

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